The iceberg within

15 Jun

I often been referred to as a very strong woman.   My mother use to gasp a sigh when she said under her breath ” God help me with this child!”  Somehow I always knew it wasn’t actually a  prayer, yet more of a hope for relief!
I would like my message today to be,   look…really look before you criticize. Someone! 
Yesterday my 15 year old high functioning autistic son and I cleaned out the car of the boyfriend whom is kicking us out.  I was cleaning out, washing,  and vacuuming out my car.  So I decided since I knew his needed it too and his 76 year old mother rides in the car weekly, that I would do his too.  I requested my kids to vacuum out both cars since I was in alot of pain from bending and stooping while washing the cars.  When it came to the boyfriends (for lack of a better term).  My son says,  “I don’t want to do this!  Mom he has been terrible to both you and me!” .  I found myself agreeing with him for one flash of a second.   Then I replied to him,  ” son, even thou there will be many people who will be terrible to you and the ones you love, within your lifetime…it only takes one act of kindness to change the future.   You never know maybe its this one? 
My week was made when my son says,  ” mom I admire you!  You are everything everyone wants to be, and more.   Yet know one seems to know it but us 5 kids.” 
I do believe I may have gotten threw!  Boy do I love my kids!



7 Feb

Thirteen very hard and fulfilling years ago today at 8:00 am I looked at my best friend and said ” I have to leave. I have to take my kids to my mothers!” I felt my body falling backwards…caught by the new kitchen cupboards. I felt the handle of the cupboard door tear at my skin as I slid down to the floor. I cried so hard I didn’t even make noise. The pain I felt still brings tears to my eyes. He was the love I had always needed, until he left the November before. I instinctively grabbed everything I could use or sell. I must have subconsciously knew I would never be back. I was in shock for about a month I think. I just did what my Mother told me to do and I did it. I got a couple jobs. I moved into the rental property in the area April fools day. I worked 5 part times jobs. I turned in taxes for 12,300 that year. 4,800 was from my job in North Dakota. I never saw my kids. I cried from missing them regularly. I to this day will do anything I possibly can for young parents. Especially single parents. I spent 2/00 to 9/08 working. Always more then one job. Dated a few men. Lived with ,what i believe, the love of my life for 6 years of that time. He and I split up a yr and a half before he and his new girl friend and two children were killed in a car accident. I found out on the ten O’clock new. I went to work at 11:30 pm. I am still dealing with letting go. I have yet to go see his grave. I am however very close to mother. I love her dearly and cope the best I can. I have currently become homeless due to gossip in a small town. She said this to him about her that involved me so he felt she should fire me and he had to kick me out. Because I couldn’t have any control over him. DOESN’T MAKE SENSE? To me either! I lost my job and a month later my rental home. Basically forced to move in with my boyfriend. Who has tons of baggage! It a tough ride! Not sure I’m on the right path. In November I was served with court papers to vacate premisis. I was served with papers for divorce. I was served with papers to forclose on my house I was needing fixed for homestead. I am fighting FM, CFS, arthritis, scoliosis, depressive disorder, chronic anemia, chronic protein loss. My 16yo daughter is trying desperately to have a relationship with her father. My 15yo son pretty much hates him…with serious curiosity of him. I encourage a relationship with his dad within reason. My boyfriend want to try and work and live together. Yet he has no patience for my special needs kids. So back on my see saw!

In my dreams

6 Jan

I was told this morning that i was talking in my sleep last night.  I asked ” what was a talking of?”  He says ” i don’t know? You never make sense to me”. 
This got me thinking.  What do i dream of when i sleep?  This started my brain churning.
I realized that there were some similarities.  In all dreams i am physically in shape. Which i am not, due to my illness or disease,  whatever you call it.  I and have long hair.   Which i do not due to it falling out,  due to being sick.  I live in a well organized middle class home.  Which i do not due to not being able to hold down a job due to my illness.
There are things that always change.  I fight for a different person each time.  Which i do not due to my lack of wanting conflict in my life, worry brings pain.  I always go the same place yet it is always a different  adventure. Yet i am always going down the same road of not being prepared for the hurt people can attack with.  In my dreams i am always so couragous.  Yet really i am terrified of what my meaningless life is turning into. 
It makes a person wonder what road did i turn down that was so wrong in life?  When did my dreams turn into my past and my past into my lessons? 

So i was wondering…..

20 Dec

Wondering while sitting in the dental office yesterday…do these people know?  Know that my children will be without gifts this year.  My kids will not wake to any surprises.  They will have no christmas cookies.  They will have no candy canes.  My grandkids will see no toys from grandma.  My mother will get no happy pictures of the looks in their eyes.  Do all these people see the saddness in my childrens eyes when they are asked if all their shopping is done?  There will be no turkey and stuffing and no lights are put up.  My heart is broke.  Yet i and my two children are without a home this christmas.  I hope the people responsible are happy and warm this christmas!  I pray my heart becomes light soon!  Merry christmas fellow bloggers!  Happy birthday to jesus!

Needing a Miracle

7 Dec

Another day in the life of me.  Well no unemployment and no child support last month. Seems even though i swallowed every once of pride i had again and went to get emergency help, i am being evicted.  My landlord and exboss went thru with court in november 15th even tho i got help and he said he was fine with payment until unemployment kicked in.  So on wednesday i was served with papers to vacate the property as of this coming monday.  I have property out of town but house is unlivable.  I could move in with my boyfriend but then there are expectations i and my children can not live up too.  So my blogging family.  I ask for prayer today!  I need a miracle. As the birth of Jesus’s celebration comes upon us, i do believe there is a miracle or two in the air! 
Love ya all!   Please show what your made of.. seesaw7

Where is the love?

28 Nov

Do you ever feel all alone in the world?  I know i sure do.  I have been thru so much in my life.  Yet i feel as tho i don’t know a thing about life. 
I have these two special needs teenagers.  They are not sever( for lack of a better term).  My youngesthas son (15) has autistic spectrum disorder.   Incorporated with ADHD, ODD, and despressive disorder.  He is a tough kid to get sometimes. I have found out lately he is all boy!
My youngest girl (16) has ADD, ODD, depression disorder. She is a very passive agressive tom boy.   She is a book worm! 
Now they both are having issues with fitting in at school.  Both have respect/ boundary issues.  Both are pro’s at getting out of chores.  Yet they both push me away harder then any of the other kids did.  Oh i take that back my oldest son pushed so hard he ended up in North Dakota with the father who abused him. 
I have no real friends.  Mostly due to moving away from them and losing contact.  I haven’t had time to make friends as a single mother until recently.  But my views are just so different then evwryone i meet.  Sure people are likable enough.  Yet I just do not connect.  I find it tough with no other adult in my family.  No other sounding board.  No partner to lean upon.   I just don’t have time for all the gossip.   I don’t have time for all the back stabbing.  I am so over making people hurt.  I am so guarded by the mean words and the stories of other people.
    I was going to church for awhile.  I found people looking down on me due to me  being single.  How was i suppose to fit in anywhere?  No singles groups available.  The ladies groups are all older woman.  I am just lost lately.  I feel very unwanted and unneeded in this part of my life.  I believe God is putting her for a reason.  I sure hope so anyways!  There seems to be no one else feeling so down by the world.  I have so many questions of why people have to to do the things they do.  Why does a person who has so obviously hurt a member of their family laugh in her face?  Why would a person say nasty things about a lady in the nursing home with dementia?  Why do people suggest a person is bad because they are interverted and quiet?  Why is it so tough at certain times in your life to see the good only in movies?   Why do people have to hurt one another?  Why do my teenagers have to day after day test my will?  Just one day can we do something together and not fight?  Or my boyfriend not suggesr i’m being crabby or moody because I just want to talk?  I once said my two deepest and scariest emotions were jealousy and loneliness.  It is time like this I sure wish I understood.

Playing house

22 Nov

I was moved in with my Frank.  A beautiful 1 bedroom apartment.  I had always imagine this.  His taste in decor had to change.  We were playing house for awhile.  Then reality struck.  My relationship with Frank was very difficult.  It was filled with drinking,  drugs and alot of beatings.  I learned alot about how to please a man in bed during this two years.  But Frank liked things perfect.  Everything was to be in its place.  He came home from work one day to find one of my hairs in the bathroom sink.  This was the first time i remember seeing his horrifying temper.  I was sitting on the couch,  reading a book.  Frank hated when I read or paid attention to anything other then him.  He stormed at me.  Yelling words I could not understand do to his stuttering problem.   He was holding up his hand almost in a manner of trying to sign “ok”.  Suddenly I remember thinking,  he is actually going to hit my face.  I woke laying on our bed.  I had to call into work for a week straight.  Frank told everyone I was bedridden.  I healed quickly externally.  I have yet to heal completely internally. 
Frank wanted a baby.  Everytime we had sex, he would ask me…” are we pregnant this time?”  I had 8 miscarriages that I saw a doctor about.  I lost count of the others.  I bleed so badly.  I remember being so weak I couldn’t stand.  Frank would get so angery with me.  He would tell me I was looking for sympathy.  He wasn’t going to give it to me.  I needed to toughen up if I was ever going to be a mother to his kid.  Frank and I fought more and more……..

I have learned

22 Nov

People have asked me many time. ” what have u learned with all your life tragedies?” Here is just a few things. 1. I have learned that all people need someone in their lives who will love them no matter what! 2. I have learned that deep frying in vegetable oil and lard are two totally different tastes. 3. I have learned that there is good in every person u meet! Although finding that good may be more of a challenge then u r willing to take. 4. I have learned that when u fall in love…u stay in love for ever! A person does not truly love if there is no love after the relationship is over. I will love each and every person…my soon to be ex husband. My ten years younger then me boyfriend. My rebound boyfriends are a whole different story. My current boyfriend i do believe i am love with also. Which brings us to… 5. Although you love someone it does not mean it is destiny u are ment to be together. Love is work. Lots of work! If u do not except the work….u do not get the relationship! 6. Doctors, parents, teachers, pastors, and bosses….do not know everything! This is self e explainable i would thing. 7. That in order to do it….u need to do it afraid. It scares u to death…u shake…sweat…and almost pass out….yet you need to do it for u and the God who made u! 8. That material things come and go … but the love of a child is pure and on going! It may hurt when precious items are lost forever. But a hug from a child is what u will remember. Not the day u looked at a desk you bought on sale. If u do….? You need to realize the next step…. 9. Pleaseing someone who always needs pleasing will never happen. You see…what they are looking for is within themselves. You nor anyone else can satisfy that deep rooted need. 10. If you wouldn’t do it with Jesus next to you….don’t do it! God is all seeing and almighty. If you think your getting away with something your not! There are so many more! But today my blogging app is not working correctly so i will leAve u with this! Happy thanksgiving bloggers and readers alike!

Dealing with the demons

16 Nov

I was 15 yrs old when my father gave me the choice.  I could either come home each and every day go to my room and study or get out.  I was broken hearted.  Come to think of it i believe that was the second time my daddy had broke my heart.  The first time i was 5 yrs old.  Sitting on a snowmobile in our driveway with him.  I was crying so hard i couldn’t stop gasping for air.  My daddy was moving out.  My mother didn’t want him anymore.  This is what he told me.  My life changed.  I look back now, and want to cry.  I feel the loses like they were just yesterday.  My life has been one loss right after another. 
I had called my mother the night before desperate for a place to go.  She had told me “no” she wasn’t playing games anymore.  I had lived with my mother until i was 12.  Moved back when i was 13 and moved out again just before i turned 14.  I was so lost as a child.  I wanted to bad to please both my parents.  I needed my mom.  Yet she was busy.  My mother had remarried when I was nine.  The wedding came out of no where.  One day this guy moved in with us and then my mother was making sure dresses fit.  This was right after my older half sister Mary had gotten married.  It seems that I have been fighting to get both my sister and mothers approval and acceptance since I was about 9 years old. 
My mother and step father, Gene, bought a restraunt in some backwards town in Wisconsin.   My younger sister and mother and Gene moved their while i was gone.  A new life for them.  I was not to be included.
I left my father and older brothers home August 7 1984.  I slept under a bridge that night.  If thats what u call it.  I was harrassed by a gang of guys repeatedly.  I dozed off between two buildings .  I awoke to a stink.  There was a man in front if me.  He was unzipping my sweatshirt.  I was beaten and raped that night.  All i remember now is the smell and the feeling of his coarse hair in my face.  The pain i felt in my private area when the sun rose the next day.  This was the day I lost my virginity.
I found a friend to stay with the next couple months.  I stayed in her parents camper sitting in the front yard.  I had snuck out with a girl I knew to a clinic in Minneapolis and had the child, growing inside of me, aborted in September.  The child I had always longed for.  The purest love there ever was.    I was able to stay with this family until November.  It had gotten too cold.
I had met a 23 yr old guy through some friends the month before I had left my dads house.  He came and saw me as much as he could.  My friends parents didn’t like him being around since he was so much older then I .   I moved in with him when I was told I needed to quit both my jobs and go back to school in order to stay with my friends parents.  I saw no way of successes wasteing my time in school.  I had a reading and math learning disability.  My father refused to sign papers to get me the help I needed.  Which is why i gave up school in the first place.  I could not ever pass.  I would always be a failure.  I wanted more for myself then that.  One if the stipulations to me moving in was, I needed to quit being such a baby and have sex with him.  I had no choice but to agree.  I couldn’t chance it out in the streets again. 
Well by the New Year I had wondered if I had made the right decision…….

Being the only grump

14 Nov

I would like to take today and introduce my family.  Being the only Grump ( a.k.a grown up) pretty much explains it all.  Back in 1999 my husband and i decided we needed some time to think about our marriage of almost 12 years was headed.  So he moved out.   He stayed numerous places.  Most of them i wasn’t privileged enough to know.  This was in November.  By Febuary of 2000 i was paying for all the bills and getting my 5 children up for daycare before i had to work at 7 am.  I had a fuse box in the old house that we contracted to buy catch on fire.  No one would come to fix.  Finally one of the guys i had spoke to told me in a shaken voice.  Your mother in law called us yesterday and because of that my boss said we can’ t come out.  Although i begged and pleaded and recontacted all the other places, there was no one coming.  So it seemed I was without  heat and 5 kids.
I had contacted my mother in laws house the evening before and requested she let my husband know the fuses were sparking everytime the heat came on.  I was told she hadn’t seen him in weeks. I pleaded with her.  I got back he was not there and i would not be hearing from his anymore.
I took a bus to Wisconsin to stay with my mother until my husband,  Greg, could take care of the house.  It will be thirteen years in Febuary.   He let the owner have the contract back and we have seen him seven times since.  He broke my heart.  We are still legally married.  We seem to be able to communicate now.  I love him still to this day.  I asked and pleaded with him many times to move here.  Away from his mother.  She hated me since or first meeting.  Which is a whole nother story.  I find myself wondering if we could make it.   I have decided that we are two very different people.  I was served with divorce papers on the 13 th of October 2012.  I have aways told my children that God granted me with 5 extremes to my own personalities.
People were so surprised to find out that I had all my children from one man.  In 1988 i gave birth to my miracle baby.   I had to been pregnant many times before.  I had lost each baby.  The dr said Britnee would abort herself when my very weak uterus could not hold her anymore.  At that time the dr suggested I have a hysterectomy.  I should look into adoption later in my life.  My Greg married me knowing I would never be able to carry his biological child. 
Britnee was a very stressful baby.  She had colic from the 3 day she was home until she was 6 months old.  She is now a beautiful, mother if 2 with another on the way.  She has had many lessons in life, more then any young adult should have.  She later ended up quitting high school and moving out at 18.  My Britnee is now 24 yrs old and living with her boyfriend of 4 years.  She works at the local hospital as a nurses assistant and is going to school to certify in human service relations.  She has a different lifestyle then i would have picked for her.  Yet i am very proud of her.  I find myself loving her more each day.  Britnee is the part of my personality that except.  Excepts people for who they are and what they can do.  Yet always excepting is not always good.  This is one of my oersonality battles.
Brady was Britnee were exact opposites. 
Very quiet from day one.  He was born 22 months later in 1990.  He was a breach baby with the ambillical cord wrapped 3 times around his neck and the 3 vessels not as large as they should have been, and shortened.  He came out the color of a smurf.  Was brought back with little paddle’s.  Brady stayed in the hospital 3 extra days and then I  brought back for seven more until his bili levels were where they needed to be.   They said he would be slow.  But back in those days nurses and doctors were very over worked.  So thats just about as much information as we got.  Brady was a great baby, toddler but come childhood is when his troubles began.  The first real incident i remember happened in 98 when i had set down his adhd medicacion,adderal, on the table.  He sneakingly took them off and went into the living room and proceeds to take the whole bottle of 20 some pills.  When i walked in and saw what he was doing he looked at me and smiled.  While he told me that if one pill makes him good the whole bottle would make his dad like him again.  This was the beginning of a long line of personal battles for my son.  My Brady is now 22 yr old.  He lives with his high school sweetheart about 100 miles from his dad.  I do not see nor speak to him often.  He was diagnoised with adhd, odd, depression and possible schizophrenia just before he moved in with his father st 15.   Brady is a very angry and confused child.  Which was learned by me in 1999.  While i was away at work his dad was psychologically and physically abusing him.  Brady was a very challenging kid.  Abuse was not something I dealt with well.  Brady is my lost personality.  The part of me who needed to do drugs and drink to calm the inside feelings and longings for something more.  The i never fit in with anyone feeling.  This is a personal battle I deal with many times a day.
Child number three was conceived  from a weekend Greg and I had after he left me to move to Colorado to assist building the new airport.  Greg drove in on friday and left on sunday.  3 months later I called him desperately to come home.  I was sick and had found out i was pregnant 6 weeks earlier.  I had not told Greg yet.  I wasn’t sure I was going to.  But I made that call desperate,  I was battling  chicken pox and school work and two very active kids.  I needed help!  Jolee was born on Easter of 1993.  She was a joy to have as a baby.  She was real small at birth.  Probably due to me smoking all the way throughout the pregnancy.  She is what brought me and my husband back together.   Jolee was a fabulous well adjusted baby.  This was a good time in our lives.  We bought a 3 bedroom trailer in a well established trailer park.  Life was good.  She would like to go to school to work with autistic kids.  Jolee will soon be twenty yrs old.  She lives with her high school sweetheart about 60 miles from me.  Jolee is the part of me who succeeds.  The part that had dreams of a life where I was able to keep up with everything and wore beautiful successful clothes.  People looked up to me and respected my decisions.  This is still a part of me.  Although I long for this….I do realize this part of me is incomplete.
Child number 4 was nothing less of a shock. Jorgie was born in the winter if 1996.  I didn’t let anyone know I was pregnant for seven months.  In between my two daughters we had lost everything.  Our house burnt down.  Our insurance only covered the pay off.  We ended up renting a very crappy trailer on the other side of the trailer court.   I had to get a job.  Which i loved.  I was a cook for a major supper club.  I loved the people i worked with.  I loved the break my job gave me from my very active family.  I didn’t want to be pressured to quit by my husband or my employer.   I was in complete denial.  She was a tough child.   She was colicky for the first 3 months. My first child born to me by ceasarion section.  During her last month inside my womb she decided to jump in and out of the birth canal and never sleep.  She had to basically be caught by the dr during the process of trying to be born.  The dr told me that if a child could be diagnoised with adHd while in the womb my Jorgie would be it.  Jorgie was later diagnoised with add, odd,  and depression.  Jorgie is the part of me who was always just average.  I never successed at anything above the norm.  She is also the loner.  The one who has to have her time.  Her space to herself.  For her and I it is a need.  Just like blood.  When we hurt we hide and heal.  When there is a day we read or write.  This part of me I appreciate deeply.  Although others don’t.  Every man in my life has battled with me about this part of me.
Then comes my final and most challenging of children.  Lawerence was the only one of my child born in my husbands home state in 1997.   He was concieved after my husband had been “snipped”.  My hubby had passed the no sperm test.  Lawerence just was destined to be born.  I had a tubal ligation after a very long pregnancy of bed rest.  I concieved to quickly after my last birth.  The incision site was weak.  By my 3 month we knew he would be my largest of all my children born.  The incision site was tearing from the inside.  I was on bed rest for the remainer of the pregnancy.  During this pregnancy i left my home state of Minnesota to try and save my marriage.  We all packed up with a house already rented for us and moved to North Dakota.  By the end of the first month we experienced a 4 day black out due to a horrific snow storm.  With in two months we were housing people due to all of the local city flooding.  I dealt with alot during those months.  But in the summer of 97 my ten pound 13 oz bouncing baby boy was born.  I walked home the following day with my son in hand.  My husband had forgotten that i needed to be picked up.  My son was an average baby i would guess.  He wasn’t a very cuddly  baby until about 6 months.  He liked his distance from everyone.  By the time he was ready to start eating baby food i started to notice extreme behaviors with certain foods.  He never seemed to play with the other kids.  He seemed to be all by himself in the world at times.  He would never look at me when i would talk to him.  At about one and a half i noticed he would pace in the living room when there was alot going on, which u can imagine was alot.  My son was later ,after many years and tests, diagnoised with adhd, odd, asd, depression.  It has been a long ride with my baby.  Who is now a very challenging 15 yr old.  This is the part of me who just doesn’t give a crap what you think.  This part of me rarely shows.  Due to my obsessive need to make everyone around me happy.  I long for this side of me to show more often.  But not in a bad way.   More of a I can move on way. 
So there it is.  A brief introduction to the crazy up and down family and life of seesaw7.